Growth hacking through Data and Experimentation

AB-test Masters helps you make the most out of your data

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What we d0?

Get the Best of Causal Inference

Why AB-test masters?

Start your experimentation program and data-driven decision making with no data science team

Our Technology Stack

Google Cloud

Our Work Flow

Head start your program in just three steps

1- Creating your work flow

First things first. We create your experimentation work flow which includes your data pipeline, GitHub, experimentation process, and analysis framework. 

workflow creation
business growth

2- Start testing and growing

Make data-driven decisions by running experiments. Improve revenue, conversion rate, costs, and user experience.

3- Training your team

Our mission is to make sustainable growth possible for our clients. We train your team to take over the whole process so that you can grow independently.

team training

“We had difficulty starting our A/B test program due to lack of the expertise in our team. AB-test masters setup our program quickly and trained our current team to run it efficiently ”

Jane Doe

Jane Doe

CEO of Network


How much time is saved by usingAB-test Masters?

You typically need 2 to 3 months to hire a couple of data scientists and business domain experts. This team needs at least a month to get to know the business and 2 to 3 months to set up the program. At the very best it will take you six months to one year to start your program. We can do it in less than two months

How much money is saved by using AB-test Masters?

Considering the amount of money you need to spend to hire staff, pay their wages, and trial and error to achieve the best process, it can cost you a couple of million dollars to do so. We can save you from all this trouble.

How does AB-test Masters' process work?

We would hold a couple of meetings to come up with the best solution according to your needs. Afterward, we create your workflow, start experimentation, and finally train your team to maintain the program.

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